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Training Waiver and Release

Training Terms and Conditions

Titan Training Ground Training Waiver and Release of Liability

1. Acknowledgment of Risk: I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that participation in training sessions, programs, and events at Titan Training Ground involves inherent risks, including but not limited to physical injury, disability, or death. I understand that while all reasonable precautions, care, and supervision are taken by Titan Training Ground, its coaches, staff, and affiliated entities, the nature of physical training and combat sports carries unavoidable risks.

2. Voluntary Participation: I confirm that participation in any activity at Titan Training Ground is entirely voluntary. I understand that I am free to discontinue participation at any time.

3. Legal Guardian Consent (if applicable): If the participant is under the legal age of 18, I, as their legal guardian, provide consent for their participation. I accept full responsibility for the minor’s safety, conduct, and well-being during training.

4. Release of Liability: I agree to release, discharge, and hold harmless Titan Training Ground, its directors, officers, employees, coaches, agents, and affiliated entities from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action arising from injury, damage, or loss sustained as a result of participation in any activity, including but not limited to training sessions, competitions, and events.

5. Loss of Income or Lifestyle: I further agree not to hold Titan Training Ground, its coaches, or affiliated entities liable for any loss of income, lifestyle, or other personal impact resulting from injury, disability, or other consequences arising from participation.

6. Medical Clearance: I confirm that I am physically fit and have no medical conditions that would prevent safe participation in physical training. I will disclose any relevant medical conditions before beginning training.

7. Governing Law: This waiver is governed by the laws of New Zealand. Any disputes arising from participation shall be resolved in accordance with New Zealand law.

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